Instructions for Reviewers

The CoRL review process is three months long, submission-to-notification, including the response and revision period and will be more similar to journal processes -- in that the preliminary decisions will happen before the authors’ response period. The timeline is very tight and please follow your AC's instructions and the deadlines.

Please update your OpenReview profile before the submission deadline.

We count on you, the Reviewers, to make the process smooth and ensure high quality of the accepted submission, and provide constructive feedback to the authors. Most notable change, we want to ensure an active and constructive engagement with the authors to improve the papers and update the reviews and scores during discussion and revision period

Timeline: Below is the overall timeline of your responsibilities in the next three months. This timeline will be available on the CoRL website, and we will send Google calendar event notifications shortly. All times are 11:59 PT, unless otherwise stated. Please adhere to the schedule, and if there are problems, do let us know as soon as possible. 

Phase 1: Prepare for the review period

Phase 2: Initial decisions due. Prepare for a response period

Phase 3: Finalize the decisions

Thank you so much for your service and helping make CoRL a high-quality and successful conference.